How I See Life and All Its Craziness

I love fun analogies

Analogies are powerful.

They are the keys to communication to anyone at any level of knowledge regardless of age, experience, or background.

It’s why I love them so much, and I strive to think of subjects in as many different ways as possible.

It’s also how some of the greatest secrets of existence have been, and will continue to be, uncovered.

If you hadn’t guessed, today’s message centers around one of my favorite ways to describe a person…

the tree.

Go with me on this…

We’re more like the trees in Avatar than anything else.

In case you hadn’t seen it, everything on Pandora, the planet that is the setting for the film, seems to be connected to everything else.

Imagine a tapestry where everything is woven together in a giant quilt.

This concept is central to the movie, and it was what got me thinking about this idea.

(If you must know, I think of it as Disney’s “Pocahontas” in space).

Anyway, let’s get into the tree analogy of your life.

Think about all the parts of a tree…

You’ve got the roots, the trunk, the branches, and the leaves and fruit.

The roots draw nutrients from the soil.

The leaves and fruit grow from the branches.

You, or your life, are basically a tree.

You consume food, information, and ideas much like the way that roots do.

The roots themselves are the values and beliefs that you possess.

When you’re a child, you don’t have all that many of them , but as you mature, so does you outlook on life.

Your trunk is the foundation of your ideologies and biases that result from your values and beliefs, and the older you get, the thicker and more established they get.

When you’re ready to express yourself, choose your career, and become a contributing member of society, you start to gain a variety of skills which are the branches that result from your actions.

With enough experience and expertise, you become a part of a professional community, and your results (leaves) eventually become distributed through whatever you create (the fruit).

It’s not just content that I’m talking about.

It’s your passion, your experience, your personal take on the world we all share that is valuable.

You’re one tree of millions, and all pull from the same soil with different types of roots.

We’re all connected in this way, and all our lives are different enough from one tree to another that we can benefit from sharing our results.

Here’s the thing, though…

As we get older, we tend to focus more and more on the fruit that we bear in our lives rather than our roots, our foundation, or the reason we do what we do.

We forget about how important our experiences are because they are a part of us, and we force ourselves to give faster.

As a result, our quality drops, and we bear rotten, bitter, or immature fruit.

There are people who completely lack self-awareness and have no idea why they do what they do.

And that’s sad.

This is the 6th principle of prismatic thinking.

Your life is a tree that is composed of your beliefs and values that define your foundation and motivations to push you to a specific skill set in order to become valuable to others.

The Prismatic Professional

Another happy accident…

I just realized that this also ties into the farmer’s market example that I’ve been using to illustrate a few other ideas, and I have a confession.

It’s not my idea.

It was a challenge/assignment prompted to me by my guide on this crazy endeavor, and if you want to learn from one of the best in the business, then check out his Skool community through my affiliate link here.

I’m not holding anything back. Right now, I’m piecing together what prismatic thinking is as a healthy approach towards life. Each of the concepts I’ve shared so far has plenty more to be said about them, and I’m just introducing them one at a time…

The final prismatic thinking principle that I’ve come up with will be in the next issue.

P. S.

The number seven seems to be a favorite of mine, and I’ve written several series around it throughout the history of this newsletter.

I’ve got a few other series that will branch out from this series as I flesh out every connection possible for this mindset.

P. P. S.

Today is Quitter’s Day of 2025…

Did you make it?

Don’t stop.


or to participate.